Gandhian Philosophy is More Relevant Today than Yesterday


  • Aqib Yousuf Rather Research scholar, Department of History, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India.


Non Violence, sufficiency, truth, morality and humanity etc


The human society is undergoing rapid transformation. It is anticipated that the rate of progress in scientific knowledge, as well as the breadth and depth of information at our disposal, will result in an improvement in the overall quality of life. Regrettably, we still face an overwhelming number of challenges on multiple fronts, including the social, economic, cultural, and political levels. India has a single point of reference to overcome its plethora of obstacles; he is the nation's founding father. While worldwide efforts are straining to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, India has this point of reference. The goal of this study is to establish whether or not Gandhiji's views are more relevant today than they were in the past, taking into account the increased severity of the difficulties that society is currently facing. It might be argued whether Mahatma Gandhi's principles are sound or not, whether they are eternal or not. To what extent his ideals are still followed and cherished by the majority of people, and whether or not all of the principles are still relevant in the modern world is also discussed.



How to Cite

Aqib Yousuf Rather. (2022). Gandhian Philosophy is More Relevant Today than Yesterday. Journal of Social Responsibility,Tourism and Hospitality, 2(04), 19–24.