Fluoride removal from water



  • Shahad Ali khalaf Wasit Education Directorate




According to published research, drinking water is a limited and valuable resource that must be protected from contamination. In addition, it must be used with caution and moderation. The abundance of fluoride-bearing rocks in the ground causes fluoride to leach and harm nearby water resources and soil, according to published research. Groundwater can contain high concentrations of fluoride ions, up to 30 mg/L. Many of the severe and harmful effects in our data result from this excessive fluoride ion concentration. When fluoride ions are ingested at higher doses (20–80 mg/day) over a period of 10–20 years, they cause skeletal fluorosis and other disabilities. There is growing concern about the advance of fluoride remediation technology globally in the current environment. In this review study, we focused on the relationship between high fluoride ion concentrations and their products, their health effects, and methods for their removal.


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How to Cite

Shahad Ali khalaf. (2025). Fluoride removal from water. International Journal of Research in Science & Engineering , 5(1), 23–31. https://doi.org/10.55529/ijrise.51.23.31