Epistemology of Advaita Vedanta



  • Shaikh Zeeshan Ahmed Fakhre Alam Ph.D Research Scholar Jrf Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai, India
  • Dr. Narayan Shankar Gadade Assisstant Professor Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai, India


Epistemology, Knowledge, Metaphysics, Reality, Vedanta, Advaita Vedanta.


This present research work is about Epistemology of Vedanta particularly about Advait Vedanta and how epistemology and metaphysics are interconnected. Epistemology is one of the branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, structure, types, sources, method and validity of knowledge. Every system of Indian philosophy has its own epistemology. Epistemology and metaphysics are inter-related. Metaphysics is one of the main branch of philosophy. Every Indian school has its own metaphysics. Metaphysics deals with questions regarding reality like what is reality? whether it is material or spiritual? what exists? is the world real or not? out of what substance this world is made? whether reality is one, two or many? Etc. What then is the epistemology of Vedanta? Epistemology of any school of Indian philosophy is based upon its metaphysical views regarding reality. Therefore it is important that first of all we must know the metaphysics of Vedanta specially Advait Vedanta of Sri Shankaracharya. Metaphysics tells us what exist and epistemology tells us how we can know that. In this way epistemology serves the role of instrument for knowing metaphysical realities. Metaphysics comes first then comes epistemology.



How to Cite

Shaikh Zeeshan Ahmed Fakhre Alam, & Dr. Narayan Shankar Gadade. (2023). Epistemology of Advaita Vedanta. Journal of Psychology and Political Science , 3(04), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.55529/jpps.34.1.5