The Psychic Crypt in the Blue between Sky and Water.


  • Mehraj ud din Zargar Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of English Maulana Azad National Urdu University.
  • Dr. Huma Yaqub Associate Professor Department of English Maulana Azad National Urdu


Displacement, Psyche, Transmitted, Trauma, Wound.


Palestine-Israel conflict broke out immediately post the partition of Palestine by United Nations in 1948 to fulfil the longstanding demand of Zionist leaders for a separate nation for Jewish community. The Zionist forces expelled native Palestinians from their residential areas during the mayhem of 1948 and transformed their identity to that of refugees within their own homeland. The conflict has had physical as well as psychological ramifications on the displaced native Palestinians and this psychological trauma of the Palestinians is transmitted passively across the generations as well. The research paper shall explore the novel The Blue between Sky and Water and trace the portrayal of intergenerational trauma of the Palestinians through its character.



How to Cite

Zargar, M. ud din ., & Yaqub, D. H. . (2022). The Psychic Crypt in the Blue between Sky and Water. Journal of Psychology and Political Science , 3(01), 24–27.