Writing Skills of Pre-Service Teachers: Basis for a Proposed Intervention Program



  • Angela Tangan School of Education, Arts, and Science, University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao City, Philippines.
  • Andrey John Fugaban School of Education, Arts, and Science, University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao City, Philippines.
  • Norbert Soriano School of Education, Arts, and Science, University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao City, Philippines.
  • Kristine Mae Auayang School of Education, Arts, and Science, University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao City, Philippines.


Writing Skills, Pre-Service Teachers, Content, Grammar, Organization, Mechanics.


Writing is considered as the most difficult skill for learners because they need to have a certain amount of L2 background knowledge about their rhetorical organizations, appropriate language use or specific lexicon with which they want to communicate to their readers. To assist instructors to improve writing competency and produce good writing, this study aimed to determine the writing skills of 40 pre-service teachers of the University of Saint Louis-Tuguegarao along content, grammar, organization, and mechanics as basis on the proposed intervention program. Specifically, it aimed to give an analysis on the writing skills and errors committed along the different components of writing. This qualitative study employed content analysis. Data were analyzed to determine the level of competencies and errors in essay writing. The level of achievements was categorized into exceptional, good, below average, and poor. The results of the study revealed that majority of the pre-service teachers have good competency along content, organization, and mechanics. Considering this, it is necessary to determine the writing skills to address the existing problem of pre-service teachers along the different components of writing.



How to Cite

Angela Tangan, Andrey John Fugaban, Norbert Soriano, & Kristine Mae Auayang. (2023). Writing Skills of Pre-Service Teachers: Basis for a Proposed Intervention Program. Journal of Language and Linguistics in Society, 4(01), 13–22. https://doi.org/10.55529/jlls.41.13.22