An Empirical Study on Talent Landscaping in Information Technology Industry


  • P.Leo Dominic Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research, Chennai
  • Dr.S.Praveen Kumar Professor& Dean, School of Commerce & Management, Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research, Chennai


The main purpose of this study is to examine the process of Talent Landscaping in the Information Technology industry. The primary objective of the study is to identify the importance of Talent management in an organization. Descriptive research design has been adopted for this study. The need for effective Talent Landscaping is being understood by major I.T firms around the world and this had led to the increasing demand for the process. For talent mapping to be optimal and accurate the involvement and commitment of both the employer and the employee is paramount. This study empirically indents do soul searching in these realms.



How to Cite

P.Leo Dominic, & Dr.S.Praveen Kumar. (2021). An Empirical Study on Talent Landscaping in Information Technology Industry. International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Engineering , 1(02), 1–11.



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