A Study of Internet Marketing in India: Challenges and Opportunities



  • Dr. G. Anandhi Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Bharath University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.


Internet Marketing, Online, Consumers, Marketing, Challenges.


The internet and e-commerce have been among the fastest-growing technologies in recent years, and they have a significant impact on people's daily lives. E-marketing is one of the newest technologies in the IT and e-commerce domains. E-marketing is the process of promoting and selling goods and services online. It is sometimes referred to as online marketing, web-marketing, or Internet marketing (IM). E-marketing helps companies determine which target market to sell their goods and services to. It encompasses all practices and initiatives undertaken with the goal of attracting, locating, acquiring, and retaining customers. Since e-marketing facilitates internet-based, email-based, and wireless media marketing, it is believed to have a broad range of applications. Here, we carried out an investigation to ascertain the benefits and drawbacks of Internet marketing in India.



How to Cite

Dr. G. Anandhi. (2023). A Study of Internet Marketing in India: Challenges and Opportunities. International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Engineering , 4(01), 23–31. https://doi.org/10.55529/ijitc.41.23.31



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